Medical equipment transportation, unloading, handling, and positioning services

publish:2024-05-21 14:42:56   views :203
publish:2024-05-21 14:42:56  

A certain Swedish medical device company sells imported medical equipment to tertiary hospitals across the country. As the hospital is only responsible for receiving goods, all unloading, handling, and installation need to be completed by the seller. Therefore, it needs to seek a professional logistics company to arrange a complete set of services including site survey before delivery, transportation, unloading, and installation in place. Controlled logistics is entrusted by customers. Before each transportation, we send professional personnel to the hospital site to inspect the site and passage conditions, and design the optimal unloading plan based on the size of the equipment. Finally, we arrange road less than truckload transportation to transport the equipment to the hospital for unloading, handling, equipment positioning, and final cleaning of packaging waste, among other services. Our service philosophy is to ensure that every device is securely in place.

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